Weekly report


The configuration page of this module is available only in the old Server Manager and will not be ported to the new one.


This module has been deprecated and it has been replaced by new Report

The Weekly report is a summary document generated weekly and emailed to a selected address. It displays useful statistical analysis on Internet traffic (most visited sites, traffic composition, etc ...), mail server (incoming mail, spam, etc ..), content filter, quality of the connections (including VPN) in graphical and tabular form. The report is modular, the user can define which tables and/or graphs (widgets) to include in the report.

You can view current and all old reports the Server Manager.


Install the add-on by selection nethserver-report from the Software center.


The report configuration is located in the Weekly report section. The page displays the list of enabled/disabled widgets. You can also see the preview of the report and send a test email. From the same page you can enable/disable the generation of the report, the language, the sender and the destination recipient of the email.