Legacy backup

NethServer Enterprise handles two kinds of backups: configuration backup and data backup. See Backup for more details.

Configuration backup

From page Backup (configuration) the system configuration can be saved, downloaded, uploaded and restored again.

The page allows the creation of a new on-demand backup by clicking on the Create backup button. As default, the system retains the latest three configuration backups. The retention policy can be changed using the Configure button.

Data backup


The old Server Manager can handle only a single backup. Such configuration can be managed also from the new Server Manager by editing the backup named backup-data.

The data backup is performed using Duplicity engine and can be configured from Backup (data) page. Duplicity is the well-known default engine for NethServer Enterprise. It has a good compression algorithm which will reduce storage usage on the destination. Duplicity requires a full backup once a week, when the data set is very big the process may take more than 24 hours to complete. NethServer Enterprise doesn't implement backup encryption when using Duplicity.

Supported storage backends:

  • CIFS: Windows shared folder, it's available on all NAS (Network Attached Storage). Use access credentials like: MyBindUser,domain=mydomain.com

  • NFS: Linux shared folder, it's available on all NAS, usually faster than CIFS

  • WebDAV: available on many NAS and remote servers (use a server with a valid SSL certificate as WebDAV target, otherwise the system will fail mounting the filesystem)

  • USB: disk connected to a local USB/SATA port

The selective restore of files can be performed only form the new Server Manager. See Selective restore of files.