Collabora Online


This package is not supported in NethServer Enterprise Enterprise

Collabora Online

Collabora Online is a powerful LibreOffice-based online office that supports all major document, spreadsheet and presentation file formats, which you can integrate in your own infrastructure. Please see the official website.


Install from the Software Center or use the command line:

yum install nethserver-collabora

Virtual host configuration

Collabora Online requires a dedicated virtual host and it's only accessible from HTTPS with a valid certificate.


Collabora Online will not be enabled without a dedicated virtual host

To configure Collobora Online, execute:

config setprop coolwsd VirtualHost
signal-event nethserver-collabora-update

After virtual host configuration, obtain a valid HTTPS certificate via Let's Encrypt from Server certificate section of Server Manager interface.


Collabora Online will be automatically enabled in Nextcloud if the package nethserver-nextcloud is present when the virtual host is configured, otherwise you can enable with:

yum install nethserver-nextcloud
signal-event nethserver-collabora-update

If your instance of Nextcloud is not installed in the same server of Collabora Online, you must set the host name of Nextcloud in the prop AllowWopiHost:

config setprop coolwsd AllowWopiHost
signal-event nethserver-collabora-update

And manually configure the Nextcloud richdocuments app.

Admin user

After installation, admin dashboard can be enabled with coolconfig set-admin-password and accessible at:

CODE repository

Collabora Online comes from the CODE edition (Collabora Office development edition). To list the available packages:

yum list available --disablerepo=* enablerepo=collaboraoffice

you can update or install directly from the CODE repository:

yum update --enablerepo=collaboraoffice
yum install collaboraofficebasis6.4-fr collaboraoffice6.4-dict-fr --enablerepo=collaboraoffice

The repository is disabled by default to avoid breaking updates.

In some cases a remote Nextcloud instance needs to be rebooted after an update of Collabora Online.