WebTop 5

WebTop is a full-featured groupware which implements ActiveSync protocol.

Access to web interface is: https://<server_name>/webtop.


If NethServer Enterprise is bound to a remote Active Directory account provider a dedicated user account in AD is required by the module to be fully operational! See Join an existing Active Directory domain.


Always use the full user name format <user>@<domain> for login to the web application and Active Sync.


  • Server name: mymail.mightydomain.com

  • Alternative mail domain: baddomain.net

  • User: goofy

  • Login: goofy@mightydomain.com


Active Sync protocol is supported only on Android and iOS devices. Outlook is not supported.

Admin user

After installation, WebTop will be accessible using the administrator user. The administrator user can change global settings and login as any other user, however, it's not a system user and can't access any other service like Mail, Calendar, etc.

Default credentials are:

  • User: admin

  • Password: admin

The administrator user's password must be changed from within the WebTop interface.


Remember to change the admin password after installation!

To check the mail of the system's user admin account use the following login: admin@<domain> where <domain> is the domain part of server FQDN.


Change admin password

Access WebTop using the admin user, then open user settings by clicking on the menu in the top-right corner.


Go to Settings then click on Change password.

If you want to reset the admin password from command line, use the following commands:

curl -sL https://git.io/fjhn8 -o webtop-set-admin-password
bash webtop-set-admin-password <newpassword>

Remember to replace <newpassword> with your actual new password, example:

bash webtop-set-admin-password VeryInsecurePass

Change the public URL

By default, the public WebTop URL is configured with the FQDN name set in the server-manager.

If you want to change URL from this: http://server.domain.local/webtop to: http://mail.publicdomain.com/webtop

execute these commands

config setprop webtop PublicUrl http://mail.publicdomain.com/webtop
signal-event nethserver-webtop5-update


When using a valid SSL certificate - for example Let's Encrypt - it is rrecommended to configure the public URL using https

User settings management

Most user settings can be directly managed by the user itself via the settings menu. Locked settings require administration privileges.

The administrator can impersonate users, to check existing accounts using special login credentials:

  • User name: admin!<username>

  • Password: <WebTop admin password>

While impersonating you receive similar user privileges, allowing you to control exactly what the user can see. Full administration of user settings is available directly in the administration interface, by right clicking on a user: the settings menu will open the full user settings panel, with all options unlocked.

It is also possible to make a massive change of the email domain of the selected users: select the users (Click + CTRL for multiple selection) to which you want to apply this change then right-click on Bulk update email domain.

Two factor authentication (2FA)

WebTop support two factor authentication. The user can choose between:

To enable 2FA:

  • Click on the menu button on the top-right corner and select the Settings icon

  • Then select Security and click on the Activate button.


Synchronization with ActiveSync (EAS)

Mobile devices can be synchronized using ActiveSync. ActiveSync can be used only for contacts and calendars.

Apple iOS

Access your iOS device, navigate to Settings and add an Exchange account following the official guide: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201729

Fill the required fields with:

  • E-mail: add your mail address, eg: goofy@nethserver.org

  • Server: add your server public name, eg: mail.nethserver.org

  • Domain: leave blank

  • User name: enter your full user name, eg: goofy@nethserver.org

  • Password: enter your password


iOS devices require a valid SSL certificate on the server. See Certificates

Google Android

Access your Android device, navigate to Settings, then select Add account -> Exchange (or "Company" for older releases).

Fill the required fields with:

Then select Manual configuration and change the name of the Server field accordingly to your server public name. Finally, if you have a self-signed certificate on your server, make sure to select SSL/TLS (accept all certificates) option.


On some Android releases (notably Samsung), the User name and Domain must be entered in the same line. In this case, leave blank the field before the backslash character (), and enter the user name in the following format: \goofy@nethserver.org

Multiple calendars and contacts

Calendars and address books shared by others with the user can be synchronized using the ActiveSync protocol.

Shared resources are displayed with the owner's name and category (the number in square brackets is the internal id). Private events are not synchronized.

Mobile devices based on Apple iOS fully support folders / categories for calendar, contacts and activities (called reminders), including original colors.

Mobile devices based on Android support only calendars and contacts (activities are not supported), but using the Google Calendar application all items will have the same color.

Installing and using the CloudCal application, you can change the colors associated with each calendar, including shared ones.

On Android devices, contacts from shared phone books are merged with the personal phone book and displayed in a single view. Contacts can be modified and changes will be saved it the original source.


In order to receive data via EAS on mobile devices, it is necessary to verify that the shared resources (Calendars and Contacts) have synchronization enabled (Full or Read only):

Multiple synchronization

It is possible to enable or disable the synchronization for each shared resource (calendars and contacts). The user can customize every resource sharing with him by deciding the type of synchronization.

To do so, just right click on the shared resource → Customize → Devices sync.:

Sync shared EAS

The default setting is “Not active”.

Synchronization with CalDAV and CardDAV

Calendars and address books can be synchronized also through CalDAV and CardDAV protocols.

To synchronize a calendar, pick up its URL link right-clicking on the calendar and selecting Links to this calendar, then use it to configure your third-party client.

To synchronize an address book, pick up its URL link right-clicking on the address book and selecting Links to this address book, then use it to configure your third-party client.

To authenticate, provide your credentials in the following form:

  • User name: enter your full user name (i.e. goofy@nethserver.org)

  • Password: enter your password

Some third-party clients allow to simplify the configuration through the auto-discovery feature that automatically discovers the synchronizable resources, as in the case of mobile devices clients (i.e. Android or iOS devices).


If you are using clients that do not support auto-discovery, you need to use the full URL: https://<server_name>/webtop-dav/server.php

If you are using clients that support auto-discovery use URL: https://<server_name>

Google Android

A good, free, Android third-party client is Opensync.

  • install the suggested app from the market;

  • add a new account clicking on + key and select Login with URL and username method;

  • insert the URL (https://<server_name>), complete username (i.e. goofy@nethserver.org) and password;

  • click on the new profile and select the resources you want to synchronize.

Apple iOS

CalDAV/CardDAV support is built-in on iOS, so to configure it:

  • go to Settings -> Account and Password -> Add account;

  • select Other -> Add CalDAV or CardDAV account;

  • insert the server name (i.e. server.nethserver.org), complete username (i.e. goofy@nethserver.org) and password.

By default the synchronization URL uses the server principal name (FQDN), if you need to change it:

config setprop webtop DavServerUrl https://<new_name_server>/webtop-dav/server.php
signal-event nethserver-webtop5-update

Desktop clients


To use CalDAV and CardDAV on Thunderbird you need third-party add-ons like Cardbook (for contacts) and Lightning (for calendars).

  • Cardbook add-on works fine, with easy setup and auto-discovery support.

  • Lightning add-on doesn't support auto-discovery: any calendar must be manually added.


  • open source Outlook CalDav Synchronizer client works fine, supporting both CardDAV and CalDAV.


Webtop is a client-less groupware: its functionalities are fully available only using the web interface!

The use of CalDAV/CardDAV through third-party clients cannot be considered a web interface alternative.

Sharing email folders or the entire account

It is possible to share a single folder or the entire account with all the subfolders included. Select the folder to share -> right click -> Manage sharing:

  • select the user to share the resource (1).

  • select if you want to share your identity with the user and possibly even if you force your signature (2).

  • choose the level of permissions associated with this share (3).

  • if you need to further change the permission levels, select "Advanced" (4).

  • finally, choose whether to apply sharing only to the folder from which you started, or only to the branch of subfolders or to the entire account (5).



The Force mailcard option can be used only if the mailcard has been associated to the mail address.

Sharing calendars and contacts

Sharing Calendar

You can share each personal calendar individually. Select the calendar to share -> right click -> Sharing and permissions:


Select the recipient user of the share (or Group) and enable permissions for both the folder and the individual items:


Sharing Contacts

In the same way, you can always share your contacts by selecting the directory you want to share -> right click -> "Sharing and permissions". Select the recipient user of the share (or Group), and enable permissions for both the folder and the individual items.

Resource calendars

Through the resource calendars it is possible to reserve company cars, meeting rooms and other shared equipment in an exclusive way. To book a resource, you have to create an event and add the resource among the guests, verifying that the resource is available for the required time span.

Creating a new resource

It is necessary to create a dedicated account for each resource into the account provider of NethServer Enterprise.


If the newly created user is not used for other purposes, it is advisable to block it and to make the built-in email address only available for internal use

Once the account has been created, you can access the WebTop admin panel to create the new resource and fill in the required fields:

Name: name of the resource which must coincide with the user created on the account provider

Display Name: description of the resource that will be displayed as calendar

Type: choose the type of resource between Room and Equipment

Available Resource: select to make the resource available

Email: leave as suggested (resource@domain.ext)

Permissions: add the users or groups who will be able to book the resource (for example, in order to allow all users to use the resource, add the "users" group)

Manager: indicate whether to assign a "manager" user (or group) who will be able to delete or move reservations made by other users on this resource

Finishing with the Save & Close button, the resource will be created and automatically added to the shared calendars of the users specified in the permissions.

Booking a resource

Users who will have permission to book a resource will be able to do so by creating a calendar event and adding the resource among the guests using the Add Resource button.

With the Show availability button, a table with the busy and free time intervals of the added resources is shown.

It is possible to modify the time-span resolution shown in the table using this key:


Change reservation of a resource

Only the event owner can change the resource reservation. The user defined as Manager of the resource has the permission to modify (delete or move) reservations made by other users as well.

Custom labels

It is possible to add one or more labels to an email, a calendar event or a task.

There are two types of labels:

  • Private: not usable for custom fields and not visible to other users

  • Shared: usable for custom field panels and visible to other users

The user can normally only manage Private labels. In order to manage the Shared labels it is necessary to activate a specific authorization via the admin panel:

  • go to Administration menu, then choose Domains -> NethServer -> Groups -> Users -> Authorization

  • add (+) -> Services -> com.sonicle.webtop.core (WebTop) -> Resource -> TAGS -> Action -> MANAGE

  • click OK then Save and exit

The management of labels can be reached from this button at the top right:


The same functionality can also be reached from the individual modules (Mail, Address Book, Calendar and Tasks) by right clicking -> Labels -> Manage labels.

Visibility can be set only during label creation. To change the label visibility you need to delete the label and recreate it again.

The created labels (both Private and Shared) can be used on any other module (Mail, Address Book, Calendar and Tasks).

Custom fields

With custom fields it is possible to provide information and additional data for each contact, event or activity.

Custom fields are only available for the Address Book, Calendar, and Tasks modules and are specific to each different module.

In order to manage custom fields and its panels, the user must have a specific authorization, obtained through the administration panel:

  • go to Administration menu, then choose Domains -> NethServer -> Groups -> Users -> Authorization

  • add (+) -> Services -> com.sonicle.webtop.core (WebTop) -> Resource -> CUSTOM_FIELDS -> Action -> MANAGE

  • click OK then save and exit

Users who have this authorization will find the specific button available at the top right:


To create a new custom field it is necessary to fill in at least the Name field and select the Type:


For the Name field only alphanumeric characters (including - and _) are allowed. Spaces are not allowed. The Description field is used to add details to the field and the Label field represents the label that will be shown in correspondence with the field within the panel in which it will be used.

For each field it is possible to enable these two options:

  • Show in search bar: the field is added in the multiple search window (a new access will be required)

  • Show in preview: the field is shown in the preview window of a contact

Additional specific properties, that are also customizable, are available for each type.

For the List box type it is necessary to fill in the values to be selected:


Using the Clone button you can copy the custom field to create a similar one:



With the FREE version, installed by default, it is possible to create up to a maximum of 3 custom fields for each different module (3 in Address Book + 3 in Calendar + 3 in Activities). To remove this limit it is necessary to upgrade to the PREMIUM version by purchasing a dedicated license on Nethesis shop

Searches on custom fields

One of the best functionalities of custom fields is the possibility to perform multiple searches on all modules and fields for which the option Show in search bar has been activated.

Custom panels

With custom panels you can use the custom fields already created and associate them to the resources in each module (contacts, events and activities).

Users with the authorization to manage custom fields can access the configuration panel using the button at the top right:


When creating a new panel it is mandatory to indicate the Name that will appear in the resource. You can also insert a Description and a Title.

Using shared labels, you can easily assign panels to specific resource categories. A panel without any associated label will be assigned to every available resource (all contacts, all events or all activities).

Through the Add button it will be possible to select which custom fields to use among those already created in the panel.

Manage identities

In settings ‣ mail ‣ identities click Add and fill in the fields


It is possible to associate the new identity with a folder in your account or of a shared account

Local account:


Shared account:


Otherwise the sent mails will always end up in the "Sent Items" folder of your personal account.

Mailcards of user and domain

One of the main features of managing signatures on WebTop is the opportunity to integrate images or custom fields profiled per user.

To use the images you need to upload them to the public cloud through the WebTop admin user like this:


You can use the Upload button to load an image which is at the bottom or simply via a drag & drop.


Remember that the public images inserted in the signature are actually connected with a public link. To be visible to email recipients, the server must be reachable remotely on port 80 (http) and its FQDN name must be publicly resolvable.

Alternatively, you can configure a global setting to turn images automatically into inline attachments instead of public internet links

It is possible to do this from web interface by accessing the administration panel -> Properties (system) -> Add -> select com.sonicle.webtop.mail (Mail) and enter the data in the Key and Value fields according to the key to be configured:

public.resource.links.as.inline.attachments = true (default = false)

To change your signature, each user can access the Settings ‣ Mail ‣ Editing ‣ Edit User mailcard:


Yuu can use the uploaded image inside the mailcard with this button:



The personal mailcard can be associated with the user or the mail address. Users with access to the mail address, will also be able to use the mailcard.

By accessing the user settings from the WebTop administration panel ( Domains ‣ NethServer ‣ Users ‣ Right click on user ) it is also possible to set up a general domain mailcard that will be automatically set for all users who have not configured their personal mailcard.:


Furthermore, it will also be possible to modify personal information:


that can be used within the template-based fields within the domain mailcard editor:


In this way it is possible to create a single mailcard that will be automatically customized for every user who does not use his own mailcard.

Configure multiple mailcards for a single user

It is possible to configure multiple mailcards (HTML signatures) for each user.

Access the Settings ‣ Mail ‣ Identities and create multiple identities:


To edit every single signature select Settings ‣ Mail ‣ Identities then select each individual signature and click on the edit mailcard button

_static/webtop-sig_sig2.png _static/webtop-sig_sig3.png

When finished, close the window and click YES:


to use multiple mailcards, create a new email, and choose the signature:


Mail inline preview

By default, the mail page will display a preview of the content of latest received messages.

This feature can be enabled or disabled from the Settings menu, under the Mail tab, the check box is named Show quick preview on message row.

Mail archiving

Archiving is useful for keeping your inbox folder organized by manually moving messages.


Mail archiving is not a backup.

The system automatically creates a new special Archives folder


If the Archives folder does not appear immediately upon login, it will appear at the first archiving.

There are three archiving criteria in Settings -> Mail -> Archiving

  • Single folder: a single root for all archived emails

  • Per year: a root for each year

  • By year / month: a root for each year and month


To maintain the original structure of the folders is possible to activate Keep folder structure


The archiving operation is accessible from the contextual menu (right click). Click on Archive


The system will process archiving according to the last settings chosen.

Subscription of IMAP folders

On WebTop, by default, all IMAP folders on the server are automatically subscribed and therefore visible since the first login.

If you want to hide from the view some folders, which is equivalent to removing the subscription, you can do so by simply clicking the right mouse button on the folder to hide and select from the interactive menu the item "Hide from the list".

For example, if you want to hide the subfolder "folder1" from this list, just right-click on it and select "Hide from the list":


It is possible to manage the visibility of hidden folders by selecting the Manage visibility function:


For example, if you want to restore the subscription of the folder1 just hidden, just select it from the list of hidden folders and click on the icon on the left:


Customize proactive security on emails

The proactive security function on email messages allows some customization both for the end user and the WebTop admin.

For the end user it is possible to mark a sender as trusted when it is recognized as such by the yellow shield. To do so, it is possible to click directly on the shield or right click on the sender and select the Mark as trusted entry.


This type of customization is only valid for the user that performed the action. It is possible to mark a sender as trusted only if the shield is yellow.

The admin user can disable all or just some of the rules that are part of the PAS (ProActive Security), both for single users and groups. To do so, it is necessary to add a specific authorization (to the single user or the group of users) for the Service com.sonicle.webtop.mail (Mail) and for the PRO_ACTIVE_SECURITY resource:


Below is an explanation of every single entry available as Action :

  • DISABLED: completely disables PAS

  • NO_LINK_DOMAIN_CHECK: do not check domains different form the sender’s domain

  • NO_MY_DOMAIN_CHECK: do not verify if the sender’s domain is in my domain

  • NO_FREQUENT_CONTACT_CHECK: do not check if the sender is in my contacts which are saved automatically

  • NO_ANY_CONTACTS_CHECK: do not check if the sender is among one of my contacts

  • NO_FAKE_PATTERNS_CHECK: do not verify the presence of false patterns in the sender (e.g. email address of the name shown is different from the sender’s email address)

  • NO_UNSUBSCRIBE_DIRECTIVES_CHECK: do not check the entry for the unsubscribe directives to the mailing list (only if the spam status is green)

  • NO_DISPLAYNAME_CHECK: do not compare the contact’s display name with the contact in my address book with the same email

  • NO_SPAM_SCORE_VISUALIZATION: do not show/check the spam score displayed in the message header

  • NO_LINK_CLICK_PROMPT: do not check the click action on links

  • NO_ZIP_CHECK: do not give warning about zip attachments

This way it is possible to customize and create special profiles for some users who might not want all the actions to be active.

The administrator can also choose the list of file extensions for attachments which are considered a threat. As default, these are the extensions which are considered dangerous: exe,bat,dll,com,cmd,bin,cab,js,jar

To modify this list it is necessary to add this global setting:

  • Service = com.sonicle.webtop.mail

  • Key = pas.dangerous.extensions

For example, if you wanted to add the HTML extension among those that are considered dangerous, the value field should contain the following:

  • Value = exe,bat,dll,com,cmd,bin,cab,js,jar,html (Values always need to be separated by a comma)

Export events (CSV)

To export calendars events in CSV (Comma Separated Value) format, click on the icon on top right corner.


Finally, select a time interval and click on Next to export into a CSV file.


Quick view filters

In the toolbar above the grid there are 7 buttons that allow you to select the most suitable quick view. The first two buttons refer to today's activities or to those planned within the next 7 days:

  • Today: shows unfinished tasks without a start date or with a start date up to today (inclusive) and those completed with an end date up to today (inclusive)

  • Next 7 days: shows uncompleted tasks with no start date or starting up to 7 days from today and completed tasks with completion date up to now (inclusive)

The remaining 5 buttons allow you to obtain these other types of quick views:

  • Not started: shows only activities with status "To be started" and starting today (inclusive)

  • Late: shows only uncompleted tasks with start date up to today (inclusive) and completion date previous to the current one

  • Completed: shows all activities with status completed and with any date range

  • Not completed: shows all activities with status other than completed and start date within 1 year (for recurring tasks, only the first instance of the series still to be completed is shown)

  • All: shows all activities in any status (for recurring tasks the series icon main is shown)

Recurring tasks

It is possible to configure any type of recurrence:


Editing a recurring activity can be done in two different ways:

  1. on the individual task by opening it with a double click from a view other than All In this case the task will be removed from the recurrence and its icon will become this one:

  1. on the entire series with a double click from the All view or by using the following button on the single task already open:



On any task it is always possible to add related sub-tasks (one Master/Slave level only) simply by using the right button and selecting Add sub-task Within the connected tasks, both in the master and in the slave ones, a link is available at the bottom right to open the related tasks:


It is possible to Move or Copy this type of activity (right click -> Move/Copy) by choosing to copy or move the sub-activities through an option active by default.

Multiple searches

In the bar at the top there is a quick search that is executed on all fields. You can also narrow the search by filling multiple search fields.


Nextcloud integration


Before proceeding, verify that the Nextcloud module has been installed from Software Center

By default, Nextcloud integration is disabled for all users. To enable it, use the administration panel which can be accessed using the webtop admin password

For example, if you want to activate the service for all webtop users, proceed as follows:

  1. access the administrative panel and select Groups:

  1. modify the properties of the "users" group by double clicking and select the button related to the Authorizations:

  1. add to existing authorizations those relating to both the STORE_CLOUD and STORE_OTHER resources by selecting the items as shown below:

_static/webtop-admin_panel_nextcloud_auth_1.png _static/webtop-admin_panel_nextcloud_auth_2.png

so get this:

  1. save and close.

At this point from any user it will be possible to insert the Nextcloud resource (local or remote) in your personal Cloud.

To do this, simply select the Cloud button and add a new Nextcloud resource by right clicking on My resources and then Add resource in this way:


A pre-filled wizard will open:



Remember to fill in the User name and Password fields related to access to the Nextcloud resource, otherwise it will not be possible to use the public link to the shared files


If Nextcloud has been configured with a custom virtual host (eg. nextcloud.mydomain.com) the Path must be changed from /nextcloud/remote.php/webdav to /remote.php/webdav, please note that /nextcloud prefix has been removed. Also make sure to enter the name of the custom virtual host inside the Host (eg. nextcloud.mydomain.com). Finally, remember to configure the virtual host name as server alias: access Server Manager Dashboard, click on the server FQDN and add a new alias inside the dialog.

Proceed with the Next button until the Wizard is complete.

Use the personal Cloud to send and receive documents

Cloud module allows you to send and receive documents through web links.


The server must be reachable in HTTP on port 80

Request for a document

To create the request, insert the subject of the email than select the button at the top right:


Follow the wizard. You can set both an expiration date and a password. The link will be automatically inserted into the message:


A request email will be sent to upload the document to the Cloud:


The sender will receive a notification for each file that will be uploaded:


To download the files just access your personal Cloud ‣ Uploads ‣ Folder with date and name:


Chat integration

Web chat integration installation is disabled by default for all users.

To enable chat integration:

  1. Install "Instant messaging"" module from Software Center.

  2. Access WebTop as admin user then enable the web chat authorization:

    • Access the Administration menu, then Domains ‣ NethServer ‣ Groups ‣ Users ‣ Authorizations

    • Add (+) ‣ Services ‣ com.sonicle.webtop.core (WebTop) ‣ Resource ‣ WEBCHAT ‣ Action ‣ ACCESS

    • Click OK then save and close

Send SMS from contacts

It is possible to send SMS messages to a contact that has the mobile number in the address book. To activate sending SMS, first you need to choose one of the two supported providers: SMSHOSTING or TWILIO.

Once registered to the service of the chosen provider, retrieve the API keys (AUTH_KEY and AUTH_SECRET) to be inserted in the WebTop configuration db. The settings to configure are those shown here .

It is possible to do this from web interface by accessing the administration panel -> Properties (system) -> Add -> select com.sonicle.webtop.core (WebTop) and enter the data in the Key and Value fields according to the key to be configured:

sms.provider = smshosting or twilio

sms.provider.webrest.user = API AUTH_KEY

sms.provider.webrest.password = API AUTH_SECRET

sms.sender = (default optional)

The sms.sender key is optional and is used to specify the default sender when sending SMS. It is possible to indicate a number (max 16 characters) or a text (max 11 characters).


Each user always has the possibility to overwrite the sender by customizing it as desired through its settings panel: WebTop -> Switchboard VOIP and SMS -> SMS Hosting service configured -> Default sender

To send SMS from the address book, right-click on a contact that has the mobile field filled in -> Send SMS

Browser notifications

With WebTop, the desktop notification mode integrated with the browser was introduced.

To activate it, simply access the general settings of your user:


It is possible to enable desktop notification in two modes:

  • Always: notifications will always be shown, even with the browser open

  • Auto (in background only): notifications will be shown only when the browser is in the background

Once the mode is selected, a browser consent request will appear at the top left:


If you need to enable this consent later on a different browser just click on the appropriate button:


External IMAP accounts (Beta)

External IMAP accounts can be accessed in read-only mode. Each user can have maximum 3 external accounts.

To enable the feature:

  1. Access the administration panel, then selected Properties (system)

  2. Click on Add button and selected com.sonicle.webtop.mail

  3. Create a new key named external-account.enabled with value true

  4. Give a specific authorization to the user by setting:

    • Service: com.sonicle.webtop-mail


    • Action: CHANGE

Users can now configure personal external accounts by accessing the Settings section.

Subscribing remote resources

WebTop supports subscription to remote calendars and contacts (directory) using cardDAV, calDav and iCal.

Remote calendars

An Internet Calendar can be added and synchronized. To do so just click the right button on personal calendars, Add Internet Calendar. Two types of remote calendars are supported: Webcal (ics format) and CalDAV.


Synchronization of Webcal calendars (ics) is always done by downloading every event on the remote resource every time, while only the differences are synchronized with the CalDAV mode

Example of Google Cal remote calendar (Webcal only - ICS)

  1. Take the public access ICS link from your Google calendar: Calendar options -> Settings and sharing -> Secret address in iCal format

  2. On WebTop, add an Internet calendar of type Webcal and paste the copied URL without entering the authentication credentials in step 1 of the wizard.

  3. The wizard will connect to the calendar, giving the possibility to change the name and color, and then perform the first synchronization.


The first synchronization may fail due to Google's security settings. If you receive a notification that warns you about accessing your resources you need to allow them to be used confirming that it is a legitimate attempt.

Remote contacts (directory)

Example of Google CardDAV remote address book

1) On Webtop, configure a new Internet address book, right-click on Personal Categories -> Add Internet address book and enter a URL of this type in step 1 of the wizard: https://www.googleapis.com/carddav/v1/principals/XXXXXXXXXX@gmail.XXX/lists/default/ (replace the X your gmail account)

  1. Enter the authentication credentials (as user name use the full address of gmail):

  1. The wizard in the following steps will connect to the phonebook, giving the possibility to change the name and color, and then perform the first synchronization.


To be able to complete the synchronization it is necessary to enable on your account Google, in the security settings, the use of apps considered less secure (here a guide on how to do: https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255?hl=it).

Synchronization of remote resources can be performed manually or automatically.

Automatic synchronization

To synchronize automatically you can choose between three time intervals: 15, 30 and 60 minutes. The choice of the time interval can be made in the creation phase or later by changing the options. To do this, right-click on the phonebook (or on the calendar), Edit Category, Internet Addressbook (or Internet Calendar):


Manual synchronization

To update a remote address book, for example, click on it with the right mouse button and then select the item "Synchronize":


For CardDav address books, as well as for remote CalDAV calendars, you can select whether to perform a full synchronization or only for changes. To do this, right-click on the phonebook (or on the calendar), Edit Category:


Select the desired mode next to the synchronization button:


User access and user session logs

The table showing the entire log of accesses and sessions for each user is available under the administrator panel. Access the Administration menu, then Domains --> NethServer --> Audit (domain) --> Access log.

For each access, the table reports the following data in columns: session ID, user name, date and time, session duration, authentication status and any login errors. It is possible to activate the geolocation for the access by public IP addresses detected. To activate this feature, you need to register an account on ipstack (only this provider is currently supported) and obtain the API KEY to insert in the configuration db.

Login to the administration panel -> Property (system) -> add -> com.sonicle.webtop.core (WebTop) -> enter the following data in the fields Key e Value :

  • geolocation.provider = ipstack

  • geolocation.ipstack.apikey = <API KEY FROM PROVIDER>

Then, after a logout and a login, to show the geolocation of the public IPs please click on the icon at the far right of the row:


Through the multiple search it is possible to quickly find the data of interest:


Impersonate login

By default, the logins made through impersonate (admin!<user>) are not shown in the access logs table. In order to also add this type of access, you need to add the following key for the core service:

  • key = audit.logimpersonated

  • value = true

Login notification for each new device

With this feature, it is possible to receive an email that notifies you through a security alert every time a new device accesses the account for the first time.


By default, this feature is disabled for all users to avoid too many "unintentional" false positives on first login.

To activate the notification for all users it is necessary to issue these commands from the Shell:

config setprop webtop KnownDeviceVerification enabled

If, in addition to the user being accessed, you also need to send these notification emails to other email addresses in BCC (for additional administrative control), it is possible to do so by indicating the recipients in the following way:

config setprop webtop KnownDeviceVerification enabled
config setprop webtop KnownDeviceVerificationRecipients admin1@example.com,admin2@example.com

If you want to avoid sending the notification for all new accesses performed by one (or more) network subnets, you can do this through a white list, as you can see in the example below:

config setprop webtop KnownDeviceVerification enabled
config setprop webtop KnownDeviceVerificationNetWhitelist,

To apply the changes shown in the previous commands and restart the application, please execute the final command below:

signal-event nethserver-webtop5-update


Accesses made through impersonate (admin!<user>) will never send an email notification

Change default limit "Maximum file size"

There are hard-coded configured limits related to the maximum file size:

  • Maximum file size for chat uploads (internal default = 10 MB)

  • Maximum file size single message attachment (internal default = 10 MB)

  • Maximum file size for cloud internal uploads (internal default = 500 MB)

  • Maximum file size for cloud public uploads (internal default = 100 MB)

To change these default values for all users, the following keys can be added via the admin interface: Properties (system) -> Add

Maximum file size for chat uploads

  • Service: com.sonicle.webtop.core

  • Key: im.upload.maxfilesize

Maximum file size for single message attachment

  • Service: com.sonicle.webtop.mail

  • Key: attachment.maxfilesize

Maximum file size for cloud internal uploads

  • Service: com.sonicle.webtop.vfs

  • Key: upload.private.maxfilesize

Maximum file size for cloud public uploads

  • Service: com.sonicle.webtop.vfs

  • Key: upload.public.maxfilesize


The value must be expressed in Bytes (Example 10MB = 10485760)

Importing contacts and calendars

WebTop supports importing contacts and calendars from various file formats.


Supported contacts format:

  • CSV - Comma Separated values (*.txt, *.csv)

  • Excel (.*xls, *.xlsx)

  • VCard (*.vcf, *.vcard)

  • LDIF (*.ldif)

To import contacts:

  1. Right click on the target phone book, then select Import contacts

  2. Select the import format and make sure that fields on the file match the ones available on WebTop


If you are importing a phone book exported from Outlook, make sure to set Text qualifier to " value.



Supported calendar format: iCalendar (*.ics, *.ical, *.icalendar)

To import events:

  1. Right click on the target calendar, then select Import events

  2. Select the import format

  3. Then choose if you want to delete all existing events and import new ones, or just append imported data to existing calendar events


Hide auto-suggested recipient in lookups

To disable the suggestion of automatically saved addresses, access the web administration panel -> Properties (system) -> Add -> select com.sonicle.webtop.core (WebTop) and enter the data in the Key and Value fields according to the key to be configured:

recipient.provider.auto.enabled = false (default is true)

Edit subject of a mail and save it

To enable the modification of the subject for received and sent emails, access the web administration panel -> Properties (system) -> Add -> select com.sonicle.webtop.mail (Mail) and enter the data in the Key and Value fields according to the key to be configured:

message.edit.subject = true (default is false)

Importing from Outlook PST

You can import email, calendars and address books from an Outlook PST archive.

Before using the followings scripts, you will need to install the libpst package:

yum install libpst -y

Also make sure the PHP timezone corresponds to the server timezone:

config getprop php DateTimezone

PHP time zone can be updated using the following command:

config setprop php DateTimezone Europe/Rome
signal-event nethserver-php-update


Initial script to import mail messages: /usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop.sh

To start the import, run the script specifying the PST file and the system user:

/usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop.sh <filename.pst> <user>


# /usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop.sh data.pst goofy
Do you wish to import email? [Y]es/[N]o:

All mail messages will be imported. Contacts and calendars will be saved inside a temporary file and the script will output further commands to import contacts and calendars.


Events Folder found: Outlook/Calendar/calendar
pst2webtop_cal.php goody '/tmp/tmp.Szorhi5nUJ/Outlook/Calendar/calendar' <foldername>


log created: /tmp/pst2webtop14271.log

All commands are saved also in the reported log.


Script for contacts import: /usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop_card.php.

The script will use files generated from mail import phase:

/usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop_card.php <user> <file_to_import> <phonebook_category>


Let us assume that the pst2webtop.sh script has generated following output from mail import:

Contacts Folder found: Personal folders/Contacts/contacts
 Import to webtop:
./pst2webtop_card.php foo '/tmp/tmp.0vPbWYf8Uo/Personal folders/Contacts/contacts' <foldername>

To import the default address book (WebTop) of foo user:

/usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop_card.php foo '/tmp/tmp.0vPbWYf8Uo/Personal folders/Contacts/contacts' WebTop


Script for calendars import: /usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop_cal.php

The script will use files generated from mail import phase:

/usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop_cal.php <user> <file_to_import> <foldername>


Let us assume that the pst2webtop.sh script has generated following output from mail import:

Events Folder found: Personal folders/Calendar/calendar
 Import to webtop:
./pst2webtop_cal.php foo '/tmp/tmp.0vPbWYf8Uo/Personal folders/Calendar/calendar' <foldername>

To import the default calendar (WebTop) of foo user:

/usr/share/webtop/doc/pst2webtop_cal.php foo '/tmp/tmp.0vPbWYf8Uo/Personal folders/Calendar/calendar' WebTop

Known limitations:

  • only the first occurrence of recurrent events will be imported

  • Outlook reminders will be ignored


The script will import all events using the timezone selected by the user inside WebTop, if set. Otherwise system timezone will be used.


Blank page after login

You can access WebTop using system admin user (NethServer Enterprise Administrator) using the full login name, eg: admin@nethserver.org.

If the login fails, mostly when upgrading from WebTop 4, it means that the admin user doesn't have a mail address.

To fix the problem, execute the following command:

curl -s https://git.io/vNuPf | bash -x

Synchronized events have different time

Sometimes calendar events created on mobile devices and synchronized via EAS, are shown with a wrong time, for example with a difference of 1 or 2 hours.

The problem is due to the PHP time zone which can be different from the system time zone.

With this command you can see the current time zone set for PHP:

config getprop php DateTimezone

Output example:

# config getprop php DateTimezone

If the Time Zone is not the desired one, you can changed it using these commands:

config setprop php DateTimezone "Europe/Rome"
signal-event nethserver-php-update

To apply the changes, execute:

signal-event nethserver-httpd-update
signal-event nethserver-webtop5-update

List of PHP supported time zones: http://php.net/manual/it/timezones.php

Delete automatically suggested email addresses

When compiling the recipient of a mail, some automatically saved email addresses are suggested. If you need to delete someone because it is wrong, move with the arrow keys until you select the one you want to delete (without clicking on it), then delete it with Shift + Canc

WebTop vs SOGo

WebTop and SOGo can be installed on the same machine, although it is discouraged to keep such setup on the long run.

ActiveSync is enabled by default on SOGo and WebTop, but if both packages are installed, SOGo will take precedence.

To disable ActiveSync on SOGo:

config setprop sogod ActiveSync disabled
signal-event nethserver-sogo-update

To disable ActiveSync on WebTop change /etc/httpd/conf.d/webtop5-zpush.conf config file.

All incoming mail filters configured within SOGo, must be manually recreated inside WebTop interface. This also applies if the user is switching from WebTop to SOGo.

Google integration

Users can add their own Google Drive accounts inside WebTop. Before proceeding, the administrator must create a pair of API access credentials.

Google API

  • Access https://console.developers.google.com/project and create a new project

  • Create new credentials by selecting "OAuth 2.0 clientID" type and remember to compile "OAuth consent screen" section

  • Insert new credentials (Client ID e Client Secret) inside WebTop configuration

It is possible to do this from web interface by accessing the administration panel -> Properties (system) -> Add -> select com.sonicle.webtop.core (WebTop) and enter the data in the Key and Value fields according to the key to be configured:

googledrive.clientid = (Google API client_ID)

googledrive.clientsecret = (Google API client_secret)