NethServer Enterprise puede ser configurado mediante la interfaz web de Server Manager. Necesitas un navegador web como Mozilla Firefox o Google Chrome para acceder a la interfaz web mediante la dirección (URL) https://a.b.c.d:980
o https://server_name:980
donde abcd y Server_name son respectivamente la dirección IP y el nombre del servidor configurados durante la instalación.
Si el módulo del servidor web está instalado, también puede acceder a la interfaz web utilizando esta dirección https://server_name/server-manager
El Administrador del Servidor utiliza certificados SSL autofirmados. Debe aceptarlos explícitamente la primera vez que acceda al servidor. La conexión es segura y encriptada.
The login page will gave you a trusted access to the web interface. Use following credentials:
Change the root’s password as soon as possible, by picking a secure one, composed of a random sequence of mixed-case letters, digits and symbols.
If the File server, Email server or any other module requiring Users
and groups module is installed from the Software center, the admin
user is also available to access the web interface with same
privileges as the root
user. See Cuenta de administrador for
By default (starting from NethServer Enterprise 6.10), a Server Manager session terminates after 60 minutes of inactivity (idle timeout) and expires 8 hours after the login (session life time).
The following shell command sets 2 hours of idle timeout, and 16 hours of maximum session life time. Time is expressed in seconds:
config setprop httpd-admin MaxSessionIdleTime 7200 MaxSessionLifeTime 57600
To disable the timeouts
config setprop httpd-admin MaxSessionIdleTime '' MaxSessionLifeTime ''
The new timeout values will affect new sessions. They do not change any active session.