
ownCloud provides universal access to your files via the web, your computer or your mobile devices wherever you are. It also provides a platform to easily view and synchronize your contacts, calendars and bookmarks across all your devices and enables basic editing right on the web.

Key features:

  • preconfigure ownCloud with mysql and default access credential
  • preconfigure httpd
  • integration with NethServer Enterprise system users and groups
  • documentation
  • backup ownCloud data with nethserver-backup-data tool


The installation can be done through the NethServer Enterprise web interface. After the installation:

LDAP access authentication is enabled by default, so each user can login with its system credentials. After the installation a new application widget is added to the NethServer Enterprise web interface dashboard.

LDAP Configuration


New installations do not need the LDAP configuration because it is done automatically.

  1. Copy the LDAP password using the following command:

    cat /var/lib/nethserver/secrets/owncloud
  2. Login to ownCloud as administrator

  3. Search LDAP user and group backend: Applications -> LDAP user and group backend

  4. Enable «LDAP user and group backend»

  5. Configure server parameters: Admin -> Admin -> Server tab

  6. Fill «Server» tab with these parameters:

    Host: localhost:389
    Port: 389
    DN user: cn=owncloud,dc=directory,dc=nh
    Password: "you can use copied password"
    DN base: dc=directory,dc=nh
  7. Fill «User filter» tab with:

    Modify coarse filter: (&(objectClass=person)(givenName=*))
  8. Fill «Access filter» tab with:

    Modify coarse filter: uid=%uid
  9. Fill «Group filter» tab with:

    Modify coarse filter: (&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUid=*))
  10. Configure «Advanced» tab with:

    Directory settings
        Display username: cn
        User structure base: dc=directory,dc=nh
        Display group name: cn
        Group structure base: dc=directory,dc=nh
        Group-member association -> memberUid
    Special Attributes
        Email field: email
  11. Configure «Expert» tab with:

    Internal username Attribute: uid
    Click on "Clear Username-LDAP user mapping"
  12. Click the «Save» button


User list

After ownCloud LDAP configuration, the user list can show some usernames containing random numbers. This is because ownCloud ensures that there are no duplicate internal usernames as reported in section Internal Username.

If two administrator users are present, they are of ownCloud and LDAP. So you can remove that of ownCloud after have assigned the LDAP one to the administrator group. So, as a result, you can use only the LDAP administrator user. You can do this by the following steps:

  1. login to ownCloud as administrator
  2. open the user list: admin -> Users
  3. change the group of «admin_xxx» user, checking «admin»
  4. change the password of ownCloud admin user
  5. logout and login with LDAP admin user
  6. delete ownCloud admin user (named «admin»)

Trusted Domains

Trusted domains are a list of domains that users can log into. Default trusted domains are:

  • domain name
  • ip address

To add a new one use:

config setprop owncloud TrustedDomains server.domain.com
signal-event nethserver-owncloud-update

To add more than one, concatenate the names with a comma.