Tipos de instalación

Requerimientos mínimos

Los requisitos mínimos son:

  • 64 bit CPU (x86_64)
  • 1 GB de RAM
  • 8 GB of disk space


Recomendamos utilizar al menos 2 discos para configurar un RAID 1. El software RAID garantizará la integridad de los datos en caso de fallo del disco.

Compatibilidad de hardware

NethServer Enterprise es compatible con cualquier hardware certificado por Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® (RHEL®), que aparezca en hardware.redhat.com

Tipos de instalación

NethServer Enterprise admite dos modos de instalación. En resumen:

Instalación desde ISO

  • Descargar la imagen ISO
  • Prepare a CD / DVD
  • Seguir el asistente

Instalación desde YUM

  • Instalar CentOS Minimal
  • Configurar la red
  • Instalar desde la red

Instalación desde ISO


¡La instalación ISO borrará todos los datos existentes en los discos duros!

Download the ISO file from official site helpdesk.nethesis.it. The downloaded ISO file can be used to create a bootable media such as CD or DVD. The creation of a bootable disk is different from writing files into CD/DVD, and it requires the use of a dedicated function (e.g. write or burn ISO image). Instructions on how to create a bootable CD/DVD from the ISO are easily available on the Internet or in the documentation of your operating system.

Start the machine using the freshly backed media. If the machine will not start from the CD/DVD, please refer to the documentation of the motherboard BIOS. A typical problem is how boot device priority is configured. First boot device should be the CD/DVD reader.

Al iniciar un menú se mostrarán diferentes tipos de instalación:

NethServer Enterprise interactive install

It allows you to select the language, configure RAID support, network, and encrypted file system. It will be described in depth in the next paragraph.

Other / Unattended NethServer Enterprise install

This installation mode does not require any kind of human intervention: a set of default parameters will be applied to the system.

Las instalaciones estándar de CentOS

Use the standard CentOS installation procedure.


Inicie el sistema en el modo rescate (recuperación), ejecute una prueba de memoria o inicie la herramienta de detección de hardware.

Arranque desde una unidad local

Intente iniciar un sistema que ya esté instalado en el disco duro.

Al final del proceso de instalación, se le pedirá que reinicie la máquina. Asegúrese de retirar el soporte de instalación antes de reiniciar.

Modo desatendido

After installation, the system will be configured as follows:

  • User name: root
  • Default password: Nethesis,1234
  • Network: DHCP enabled on all interfaces
  • Keyboard: us
  • Time zone: UTC
  • Language: English
  • Disks: if there are two or more disks, a RAID 1 will be created on first two disks

Install options

You can add extra parameters to unattended installation by pressing TAB and editing the boot loader command line.

Para deshabilitar la raid, simplemente añada esta opción a la línea de comandos:


Si necesita seleccionar los discos duros de instalación, utilice:


Other available options:

  • lang: system language, default is en_US
  • keyboard: keyboard layout, default is us
  • timezone: default is UTC Greenwich
  • fspassword: enable file system encryption with given password This option can be used even in Interactive Mode

Interactive Mode

The interactive mode allows you to make a few simple choices on the system configuration:

  • Idioma
  • Software RAID
  • Network configuration


Select the language in which you want to use the interactive mode. Keyboard layout and time zone are changed accordingly and can be modified just after the first login to the web interface.

System language is always set to English.

Software RAID

RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks) allows you to combine all the disks in order to achieve fault tolerance and an increase in performance.

This screen is displayed when two or more disks were detected at start.

Available levels:

  • RAID 1: it creates an exact copy (mirror) of all the data on two or more disks. Minimum number of disks: 2
  • RAID 5: it uses a subdivision of the data at the block level, distributing the parity data evenly across all disks. Minimum number of disks: 3
Spare disk

You can create a spare disk if disk number is greater than the minimum required by the selected level RAID, A spare disk will be added to the RAID in case a failure occurs.

Contraseña del administrador del sistema

You can change the root user’s password inside the first configuration wizard.

A good password is:

  • at least 8 characters long
  • contain uppercase and lowercase letters
  • contain symbols and numbers

Default password is Nethesis,1234.

Encrypted file system

Al activar esta opción, todos los datos escritos en el disco se cifrarán mediante cifrado simétrico. En caso de robo, un atacante no podrá leer los datos sin la clave de cifrado.

It is possible to choose a password for the encryption, otherwise the system administrator password will be used.


You will need to enter the password at every system boot.


Following characters are not supported inside the password: #, = and $.

Network interfaces

Select the network interface that will be used to access the LAN. This interface is also known as green interface.

Network configuration

Host and Domain Name (FQDN)

Type the host name and domain in which the server will operate (e.g. server.mycompany.com).

Note: Domain name can only contain letters, numbers and the

IP Address

Type a private IP address (from RFC 1918) to be assigned to the server; if you want to install it in an existing network, you must provide a unused IP address valid for that network (in general you can use the first or last host inside the network range, e.g. or


Type the subnet mask of the network. You can safely leave the default value.


Type the IP address of the gateway on which you are installing the server.


Type a valid DNS. Example:

End of installation procedure

After parameters input, the procedure will start the installation. See also Próximos pasos.

Instalar en CentOS

It is possible to install NethServer Enterprise on a fresh CentOS installation using the yum command to download software packages. This is the recommended installation method if you have

  • a virtual private server (VPS), or
  • an USB stick.

For example, if you wish to install NethServer Enterprise 6.10, just start with a CentOS 6.10 on your system (many VPS providers offer CentOS pre-installed virtual machines), and then execute below commands to transform CentOS into NethServer Enterprise.

Enable specific YUM repositories with this command:

yum localinstall -y http://mirror.nethserver.org/nethserver/nethserver-release-6.rpm

Para instalar el sistema base, ejecute:


Alternativamente, para instalar el sistema base and módulos adicionales, pase el nombre del módulo como parámetro al script de instalación. Ejemplo:

nethserver-install nethserver-mail nethserver-nut

Próximos pasos

Enterprise promotion

To promote to NethServer Enterprise version follow the instructions available here.