You can install any CentOS/RHEL certified third-party software on NethServer Enterprise.
If the software is 32-bit only, you should install compatibility libraries before installing the software. Relevant libraries should be:
For example, to install the above mentioned packages:
yum install glibc.i686 libgcc.i686 glib2.i686 libstdc++.i686 zlib.i686
If the software is an RPM package, please use yum to install it: the system will take care to resolve all needed dependencies.
In case a yum installation is not possible, the best target directory for additional software is under /opt
For example, given a software named mysoftware, install it on /opt/mysoftware
Directory containing relevant data should be included inside the backup by adding a line to /etc/backup-data.d/custom.include
See Data backup customization.
If the software needs some open ports on the firewall, create a new service named fw_<softwarename>
For example, given the software mysoftware which needs ports 3344 and 5566 on LAN, use the following commands:
config set fw_mysoftware service status enabled TCPPorts 3344,5566 access private
signal-event firewall-adjust
signal-event runlevel-adjust
NethServer Enterprise uses the standard runlevel 3.
Software installed with yum should already be configured to start at boot on runlevel 3. To check the configuration, execute the chkconfig command. The command will display a list of services with their own status.
To enable a service on boot:
chkconfig mysoftware on
To disable a service on boot:
chkconfig mysoftware off