
A NethServer Enterprise installation can be registered to a public or private Dartagnan 1 instance, getting access to monitoring portal and stable update repositories.


The NethServer Enterprise Subscription by Nethesis 2 enables access to a public ready-to-use Dartagnan instance, along with immediate professional support services for your NethServer Enterprise deployments. Detailed info available at

Activating a subscription will enable the stable YUM repositories, but will disable any other repositories you may have added. You can re-enable any other repository by setting the ExtraRepositories property from the command line. The property accepts a comma-separated list of repository names and it is case sensitive. Example:

config setprop subscription ExtraRepositories nethforge,repositoryB
signal-event software-repos-save

The subscription provider may not accept support requests for the contents of custom repositories.

Registering the system

  1. Access Subscription page from the old or new Server Manager

  2. Haz clic en Subscribe

  3. Inicia sesión o regístrate en para obtener un código de registro

  4. Copia y pega el código en el campo Registration token

  5. Haz clic en el botón Register now

At the end, the subscription plan name and validity are reported inside the page. Monitoring and access to stable repositories are automatically enabled.


Documentación Dartagnan:


Web oficial de Nethesis:

Removing a subscription

When the subscription expires, or at the end of a trial period, use the following command to revert any modification to repositories and access the community ones:

config setprop subscription Secret '' SystemId ''
signal-event nethserver-subscription-save

If you have installed the new server manager AKA cockpit, you can unsubscribe the machine in the Subscription page, clicking on Unsubscribe button.

Refer to Actualizaciones de software for more information about the community updates origin.